Reporting the tobacco industry’s...
“Ada” newspaper- 28.05.2020
Share "7hills Manikchand Products Private Limited publishing large eye catching advertisement on COVID19 in a newspaper"
Share "Reporting the decision taken by the Sri Lankan government to reopen liquor shops during COVID19 pandemic.- “The Colombo Express”"
Reporting the decision taken by the Sri Lankan...
19.05.2020- The colombo Express බාර් අරින තීරණය පිටුපස මත්පැන් ව්යාපාරිකයන් ඇතැයි සැකයක්
Reporting CCT’s statement on ‘Smoke free...
18.05.2020- Daily Mirror epaper-
Share "Question and Answer session for the journalists on “COVID-19 and Tobacco and Alcohol industries” held on 17th May 2020"
Question and Answer session for the journalists...
Voice cut & presentation Voice cut by Dr Prof. Narada Waransooriya Voice cut by Dr. Eranga Narangoda Voice cut…
Reporting about the letter sent to HE the...
Aruna- 05.05.2020
Reporting the rapid decrease of the sales of...
Ada- 06.05.2020
Share "Reporting more than 300,000 in the UK may have quit smoking during the Covid19 crisis- Daily News"
Reporting more than 300,000 in the UK may have...
05.05.2020- Daily News epaper–
Reporting more than 300,000 in the UK may have...
04.05.2020- Ada newspaper epaper–